Tag: destiny

  • Chance or destiny

    On a planet of over 7 billion people, we end up connecting with a minute fraction of humans throughout our lives. The parents we are born to, the family around us, the friends we make at school, the spouses we end up with and a handful of others along the way. Is any of it…

  • The Way

    I remember walking as a very young child  in our small mountain village in Lebanon, and just as I passed the old movie theater that used to only play Indian tragedies, an English word popped in my head. At that time, English was quite foreign to me and my vocabulary was extremely limited, yet somehow…

  • The walk of selective focus~

    In our now, every event that happens seems to be of vital importance, every step we take, every little thing we see, every person we meet, all that we touch, smell, come across; but then we move into our future and most of these small significances begin to slowly blur into oblivion. What we are…

  • Day 6~ October 6th~ Yunnan

    We may all be human, but our lots are not the same and nor are our destinies. The more people I meet, the further I travel, I realize that life does not deal us all the same cards. Isn’t humanity knowing this and having compassion for those who have less?

  • Day 4~ July 4th~ Vietnam

    It has been a challenge to keep the daily posts on time during this trip. Arrived in Beirut on July 5th to find a national internet power down, so here, doing the best I can. One of the great struggles a street photographer has while walking in a new city is trying not to be…

  • Day 3~ March 3rd~ Egypt

    While searching and researching inside the realms of Ancient Egypt, the unseen comes into focus as the seen gradually gets blurred… The ancient Egyptians believed that each person hosted in themselves a double, an electrical entity that ushered and guided them towards their true destiny. They called it the Ka. Their Ka was to live…

  • Day Three Hundred Six, November 24, 2011

    What about this word destiny? Some believe it is already written, others are determined on rewriting it, some dismiss it completely and believe all is a haphazard series of coincidences… But aren’t we always changing the course of our destiny through actions we make and decisions we take? Isn’t blaming things on our destiny or…

  • Day Two Hundred Eighty, October 29, 2011

    I like to picture my life since birth graphically as a line drawn on a globe almost like a dot on a GPS system if you want. The line starts the day I was born in the Asian continent in a small country called Lebanon and then that line goes on curving here and there,…

  • Day Two Hundred Fourteen, August 24, 2011

    Someone to sit with you in silence, someone to reflect back your thoughts to you, someone to be witness to the turns of your destiny, someone to have a special cozy spot for your secrets to live in, or simply someone to shelter you from the rain…

  • One Hundred Fifty Five, June 26, 2011

    We think we understand our children and know them back to front simply because they were created from  our union and because we happen to raise them. But that is only their physical part, isn’t it? We may have been the airports in which they landed on this planet, and the waiting rooms where they…