collecting essences
collecting essences

There were times when most people were born, raised, lived out their whole lives in a single place. The stories of lands far away were but fantasies and fairy tales. Not today. Our children travel and experience so much in their young days than was possible in a whole lifetime even a 100 years ago. They collect the essences that live in different lands, they take them into themselves and blend them with their own consciousness, making them future world citizens and connecting them into a web of connection that envelopes the planet making it friendlier and more integrated. I do pray that this is what will make this world a better place once they carry the torch of humanity into the future.


16 responses to “Collecting essences”

  1. Shutterbug Sage Avatar
    Shutterbug Sage

    I try to only feature one photo per photographer, but I also added this photo to my “Favorite Photos from A-Z for January 2013” post here: Thanks for sharing your beautiful work and continuing to inspire my amateur 365 blog!

  2. Beautifully said Mimo..

  3. I love this, Mimo, especially your thoughts on essences and how it might make the world a better place. I hope so. 🙂

  4. Shutterbug Sage Avatar
    Shutterbug Sage

    This may be the most amazing photo I’ve ever seen of the Eiffel Tower. Absolutely gorgeous, and I love the post you share with this image. It is a brilliant perspective, and I couldn’t agree with you more!

    1. Thank you so much! So kind of you!

  5. Well said, and amazing picture!

    1. many thanks!

  6. beautiful, Mimo, both in image and comments.

    1. Thank you! xo

  7. Well said, and I hope you are right!

    1. I hope so too, one can only hope and try!

  8. Interesting thought !

    1. Thank you Karine!

  9. good document

    1. Thank you!

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