Tag: statue

  • Day23~ September 23rd~ Tuscany

    …for the changes that are rushing our way? Are we settled to knowing that the world that we are leaving for your children to inherit is a safe and a clean home for them to build their future and their children’s future in? Or are we mostly living in denial?

  • Day 28~ March 28th~ Egypt

    The impressive mortuary temple built for Queen Hatshepsut, the 18th dynasty female Pharaoh stands as the evidence of Egypt’s influence on today’s classical architecture styles. This pharaoh was known for her great power and dominion over both upper and lower Egypt and was said to reign for over 22 years. The original name of the…

  • Day 25~ March 25th~ Egypt

    The Colossi of Memnon are shrouded with mystery and lore. One of these 2 massive 18 meter statues is known since ancient history to ‘sing’ at dawn. It is supposed to emanate a sound like the string of a lyre breaking at the early morning hours. The phenomenon was first reported by the Greek historian…

  • Day 19~ March 19th~ Egypt

    The more we find out about history the less we actually know… The Great Sphinx in the Giza plateau, original purpose unknown, original name unknown, actual construction date unknown, and despite all that, one of the largest and oldest statues in the world stands proudly looking at us, impressing us and challenging us to find…

  • Day 13~ March 13th~ Egypt

    Have you ever wondered why entities that aim to exercise power over us are always large, imposing, overwhelming? Government buildings, houses of religion, temples, Egypt… The first thing that I registered when looking at Egyptian art is how large everything is, how oppressively daunting it is. The first reaction is to feel small in the…

  • Day 6~ March 6th~ Egypt

    There is something so entirely remarkable about the statues and the art you see from ancient Egypt. Putting aside any feelings of eeriness and discomfort, the art feels somehow, yes, alive. It radiates, it vibrates, it holds your gaze, it stirs deeply… And after doing all of that, it makes you think, question, dwell and…

  • Day 3~ March 3rd~ Egypt

    While searching and researching inside the realms of Ancient Egypt, the unseen comes into focus as the seen gradually gets blurred… The ancient Egyptians believed that each person hosted in themselves a double, an electrical entity that ushered and guided them towards their true destiny. They called it the Ka. Their Ka was to live…

  • Day Three~ February 3rd~ Lebanon

    “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.” Khalil Gibran Designed by the Italian sculptor Renato Marino Mazzacurati and placed in downtown Beirut in 1960, this statue stands witness to the horrors of the civil war in Lebanon with its many bullet holes that are left as a reminder…