A Pause to Look Behind the Curtain~

The reset button was pressed, the world is taking a moment, the birds are singing loudly, the trees are not shy to dance in the wind freely, the skies are crisp bright blue, the clouds have more definition and the sun is shining ever more brightly.

As we find out lost time gifted back to us, the usual that we normally filled our time with somehow does not fit anymore. It is as though our software received and is receiving an update. New applications are needed, with new language and upgraded aims and intentions. What are you doing with your new time? Maybe like me you are finding yourself diving into new territories or seeing the old ones with a brand new light?

Where are you traveling to in your mind now that physical travel is no longer an option? Have your dream patterns changed? Do you feel the buzz in the air, the loud silence of something else making itself heard?

For the first time in a long time kindness is celebrated on the news channels! Stories of good deeds are main headlines. Is this planet earth? Is life winning in spite of death?

Something is connecting us all like never before. Do you feel it?


6 responses to “A Pause to Look Behind the Curtain~”

  1. Love the silhouette in #1

    1. Thank you!

  2.  Avatar

    Mimo, thank you for sharing your amazing images along with your inspiring words. Hopefully this time we are all in, will change our minds of priority in life and make us wake up

    1. Yes, I hope so too ✨

  3. Mimo, this touches a place inside, hidden from view on a normal day. But no, these are not normal days. There is a change in the air and I am sure that anyone with time to see, knows it. I know it too; your words and frames let me know I’m not seeing things. Beautifully shot, beautifully written.

    Warmest wishes to you in a changing world. And keep well.
    Rob. 🙏

    1. Thank you so much for your words and yes …

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