Taken near the empty quarter, Liwa, UAE

Good Morning,

Have you ever felt the need to back things off when so much tries to claim your time, attention and energy? That is the time to use the power of ‘NO’.

So many of us find it very difficult to say no, maybe in fear of upsetting someone, the worry of not being liked, not living up to someone’s expectations or thinking simply that being a good person dictates saying yes. It doesn’t.

At certain times in my life and when it is needed, I like to imagine a portcullis dropping in front of me to offer me a space to be, to think, to gain clarity and to feel a sense of containment.

Our first responsibility is to ourselves and our own wellbeing because if we are crowded and overwhelmed, we can only make clouded decision.

I wish you a clear day filled with inspiration and joy.


2 responses to “Morning Coffee Talk~ 44/365”

  1. No is a very powerful word. Many cultures shy away from saying it. But it is the main path to Freedom.

    1. I agree.

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