Tag: reflection

  • Daily Coffee Talk~ 71/365

    A journey of self discovery… that kind of sums up to me what life is about. We arrive without recollection of why we came, where we came from, what purpose are we serving and who we really are. Then we begin to feel the great urge to learn, discover and find out the truth. And…

  • A Grey Day in Istanbul ~

    A Grey Day in Istanbul ~

    It rained most of the day today In Istanbul. Rain has this way of forcing it’s mood on you, doesn’t it? There is a sense of containment and going inwards, where if you had the choice, you would curl indoors with a book or bake cookies. I love rain photography, when reflection, rain drops and…

  • April rains~

    Anticipation of May flowers… The magic of new life ready to appear, our planet never ceases to amaze, Year after year, just in case we get jaded, familiar and we forget. Day 90 of 365~

  • Between Earth and Sky~

    Throughout my travels I have seen places where people felt content with who they are, blissfully living between earth and sky without want for anything more. That would seem to be the ultimate goal and the secret to happiness, being able to feel truly satisfied. These people seemed to be always doing something, busy, working,…

  • I don’t see what you see~

    Are we living in a time where up is down and down is up? Has our value system transformed beyond recognition? Has the fine line between good and band become a highway? Isn’t it time for a reset? Or has it already begun? Day 50 of 365~ Image taken in Limburg an der Lahn

  • The Urgent Call for Frequency Upgrade~

    Every once in a while, we humans get this unrelenting urge to make a change, to alter our circumstances in order to make room for a new frequency to make home in our lives and the urge is so persistent that if we do not succumb to it, pain can ensue in our own lives.…

  • Magic in the Simple Things~ Myanmar

    Most of what causes in us awe and admiration is mostly based in the simple things: air, water, clouds, light, fire, nature, and how humans interact with these simple things. Aren’t clouds magical? And reflections on water? Colorful stilt houses on a reflective lake under white puffy clouds, a background of hills touching the sky…

  • Nothing is as it seems~

    The same place on a rainy day is not the same as it were yesterday. We are creatures influenced by our environment and something as small as our emotions can make the world a different place to be in on a day like today which is nothing like yesterday… image taken on a wet pavement…

  • Xitang~ An Old Water Town

    A  90 minute drive from the bustling Shanghai Metropolis, lies one of several old water towns where life carries on with a completely different rhythm. Water has this way of slowing things life down to a gentle meander, and it magically transforms reality into gentler ripples of dream like visions. Blue and soft in nature,…

  • Anhui Diaries~

    From a recent journey to the old villages around Huangshan (yellow mountains) of China’s Anhui province, I was utterly inspired with the landscape, the feeling of calm that blankets the area and the mystical sense of being so far away from it all. It made me think a lot about the nature of water, and…