Tag: karakol

  • Closer to the sky~

    Somewhere life goes on, just simply, disconnected from our worldwide web. When you have the universal web of sky, sun, stars and earth, why would you downgrade to the contaminated world of Social media? Day 52 of 365~ Image taken on the Karakoram Highway, old silk road, Xinjiang.

  • Day 15~ June 15th~ Xinjiang

      To play where only earth, air, water and fire are your toys, to be chased by the wind, to chase the butterflies, to be tickled by the rays of the sun, and to become best friends with the planet you live on… There could be no playground more ideal, and there could be no…

  • Day 14~ June 14th~ Xinjiang

    Dignity, the respect of self, living with total agreement and settlement to one’s self selected principles… These are some of the impressions I took with me from Xinjiang and its people. They are custodians of some qualities that are very rapidly becoming lost to our modern world. To be able to go back to basics,…

  • Day 11~ June 11th~ Xinjiang

    Those who have little often are the ones who give selflessly… This is so true of nomadic people all over the world. Hospitality is part of who they are as people and they are known to welcome their guest by offering them the best of the little that they have. It is an insult to…

  • Day 8~ June 8th~ Xinjiang

    At an elevation of almost 3900m above sea level and close to the Pakistani border, the Kyrgyz nomadic people live in round tents called ‘yurts’ and enjoy an unbelievably clear blue sky during the dry season. They herd camels and yaks and offer the salty yak milk tea to visitors who suffer from elevation headaches.…

  • Day One Hundred Twelve, May 14, 2011

    Karakol, a breath taking lake where Tajik people live at about 3500 meters above sea level along the Karkoram highway in Xinjiang, North Western China. The lake freezes completely in the winter time when the area sees blistering temperatures. While driving and visiting this area, it really feels like an extremely harsh place to live,…