Tag: god

  • Day 4~ march 4th~ Egypt

    Ancient Egypt has the power to hold your attention and point towards the laws of nature, the place where that power arose in the first place… To an inhabitant of the Earth, what is more powerful than the sun? The constant giver fo life, the provider of warmth and light, the great father. How much…

  • Day 24~ February 24th~ Lebanon

    A long time ago, before the camera and I were companions, I went back to Lebanon with a very good friend who loved to follow the unknown. We were near the top of one of Lebanon’s two mountain ranges when we spotted a phenomenon. On a bright and sunny day, a lone cloud on top…

  • Day Seven~ February 7th~ Lebnaon

    As a small child our first family home and school were in the city of Byblos. It is daunting to think that the city I grew up in is in fact the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world!  Byblos is said to have been founded by El, the god of Phoenicians, but archaeological evidence…

  • Day Four~ February 4th~ Lebanon

    Possibly the oldest and first metropolis of the Phoenicians, the ‘traders in purple’, the inventors of the first known alphabet from which all other alphabets were derived, inventors of the precious purple dye from the murex shell used for royal clothing, the founders of the kingship of city states called Canaan, Sidon is known to…

  • Day Two Hundred Ninety Eight, November 16, 2011

    Have you every had a conversation with a 7-year-old about the meaning of life? Well I am finding out having one of these humans with me that theological issues seem to be on top of their list when it comes to discussions and every little thing seems to lead them to this territory. It goes…