Morning Coffee Talk~15/365

A woman in Varanasi, India with handprints around the door frame of her home.

Good Morning,

As part of my daily morning process, I have always started with observing the root number of the day. You arrive at this number by adding all the numbers of the day, month and year till you arrive at a single number between 1 and 9. Today is 15+12+2021=5.

5 days have to do with, yes, you guessed it, the nature of 5. If you start to observe the nature of days between 1 and 9, you gradually see a pattern. The best way to start this investigation is by researching the number itself, where have you seen in in nature, religion, culture, mathematical anomalies…etc.

5 is a prime number, we see it in many flower petals, in the number of fingers and toes, in our extremities (we look like stars), in starfish, the 5th Fibonacci number, 5 senses, the five elements in hinduism: earth, air, water, fire and space or ether, the 5 faces of Shiva, the 5 pillars of Islam, the 5 woundings of Christ, the 5 books of Judaism… and the list goes on.

The reason why my mind went more into 5 and numerology today is because of the image above. You see handprints in the world since the beginning of time, from cave paintings till today’s modern art. There is a huge discussion about these ancient hand prints to determine if they are art or not, as if that matters. But what is the real significance of creating a handprint? Where have we seen it before? I just love finding clues in history about things like this.

And what would the nature of a 5 day like today be? Balance comes to mind… What else? What is the root number of your birth date? What does it suggest? Mine is 5.


10 responses to “Morning Coffee Talk~15/365”

  1. Something strange happened to my comment. Not what I wrote. I basically said: A very noice picture much in your style. (Reminds me of your 365 period in China)
    And Varanasi called my attention: my great-grandparents were married in Bénarés, as it was called then.
    Joyeux Noël.

    1. Enjoy your Christmas and have a peaceful one. Your previous comment arrived fine 😊🎄

      1. Best wishes for the coming year. Hopefully something good will happen to stop the downward spiral.

        1. The thing about spirals is that they can be spiraling up. Depends how we look 😊

          1. Very true. I form the secret hope that COVID will end up in a major crisis and shake-down that will change the way we all do things. I’m just worried how many will die before that. Fingers crossed. (After all renaissance happened during the Great Plague. As a way towards change?)

  2. Great picture Mimo. 5? So your birhtday is on the 25? 😉
    Doesn’t work with all dates though.
    Varanasi? My great-grandparents were born in Bénarés, as it was called then.
    Joyeux Noël

    1. Oh have you been there? It’s amazing isn’t it? With the root number you need to add all the numbers including the year, so if you were born on say, august 10, 1970, then you add 10+8+1970= you end up with 8

      1. I’m a bizarre “Pakistani”. I was born in Karachi but left when I was 3. Didn’t go “back” to India at all. Though I’m tempted as you can imagine. I tried your formula with variants my mother had told me once. No. No. Yeah. It works. So my BD is 18 12 1953, my root number is 3? Hey! Learnt something. Merci beaucoup. 🙏🏻

        1. Ah great! Yes you are a 3. Three people get things done, don’t they?

          1. I don’t know about Three people. I don’t remember why my mother taught me that, but I remember when and where. I was about 8 or 9 in West Africa, in the magic house by the sea. And yes, I “get things done”. Strange isn’t it? What about you? Are you a 3, a 7, or a 9n people? Or any other number?

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