Day Two Hundred Fifteen, August 25, 2011

summer rain

‘Summer rain’, so many songs are written about, movies, books, plays… I never new summer rain till I left Lebanon for New York, because back home, it never rains in the hot months. And we used to hear of this strange phenomenon as children and think “how exotic! Maybe one day we can witness it ourselves!”

Shanghai has been living up to its summer rain quota this summer. It feels as though we are living under water the past few days and when it rains here, it really pours!


2 responses to “Day Two Hundred Fifteen, August 25, 2011”

  1. Wonderful picture! Just right for monochrome – and the sort of thing that I often aim at but far from frequently achieve. FATman

  2. we could do with a bit of your rain over here ! lovely c

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