Tag: wheel

  • Day13~ August 13th~ Boracay

    ‘Abandoned’, and interesting word. If you like  to anagram words as I often like to do, then you will find this: abandoned = a dead boon. A boon is a blessing or something to be thankful for among other definitions. So when we humans abandon something, do we stop being thankful for it and for…

  • Day 5~ June 5th~ Xinjiang

    As beautiful as the old city of Kashgar is, it is also heartbreaking to visit. The charming old architecture is being demolished systematically by the authorities section by section for the last few years. The reason given: a possible danger from earthquakes the real reason, I leave for you to research. The locals are horrified…

  • Day 20~ May 20th~ Cambodia

    We are often asked by others about the place we call home, especially if we tend to move around the planet. Looking at this photo of a family in Phnom Penh in my archives, I realized that the answer is simple. This family has created a little home on the pavement of a big city,…

  • Day Two Hundred Ninety Six, November 14, 2011

    I remember being 20 and feeling completely immortal. I always felt that death is a far away journey an the reaper did not have my number and had no plans for me. And then years passed and I started feeling the idea of mortality creeping closer. I wonder what it would feel like being on…

  • Day Two Hundred Eighty Eight, November 6, 2011

    Fall comes sending its fairies to color the trees in reds, oranges, yellows, golds and browns. Then the big wind blows its mighty breath to scatter the leaves creating a magical carpet of warm colors on a moist fragrant ground  and causing sighs of wonderment from us all. And as gravity dictates, all leaves must…

  • Day One Hundredn Ninety Four, August 4, 2011

    As a mother of an only daughter, I am fascinated with the differences between boys and girls and their varying natures. From a very early age, boys seem to be more ‘on the go’. It is as though they are always late for some appointment, they want to get there faster. I am almost certain…