Tag: leaves

  • A Fresh New Beginning~

    As the fresh new snow blankets the ground and lays a layer of white powder on everything standing still, it feels like a permission for a new beginning. All is still, all is clean, all is white and a new chapter can now begin. Yesterday the sun was shining as it still is today and…

  • The inevitable change

    Every year at about the same time in November a new wind blows in Shanghai bringing with it the promise of a heartless winter to come. But there is so much to love about the way the fall forces itself on summer, not offering any apologies, simply making a bold statement, stripping the trees of…

  • Day 12~ December 12th~ Guilin

    When a storm decides to come, it does not give us a warning, neither does it ask for our permission to turn our world upside down…

  • Day Three Hundred Twenty, December 8, 2011

    On a very early morning walk today, it was drizzling, fresh drops from a grey blanketed sky, the breeze was still catching its breath and getting ready to exhale later in the day, it was the time of morning magic. Soon winter will paint over everything with a muted canvas of grays, browns and whites,…

  • Day Three Hundred Six, November 24, 2011

    What about this word destiny? Some believe it is already written, others are determined on rewriting it, some dismiss it completely and believe all is a haphazard series of coincidences… But aren’t we always changing the course of our destiny through actions we make and decisions we take? Isn’t blaming things on our destiny or…

  • Day Three Hundred, November 19, 2011

    Fall, autumn, the time of separation, of big changes, of getting ready to go huddle indoors, and the time of little deaths. We get inspired and uplifted looking at the leaves changing color in the fall because it is just too overwhelmingly beautiful to witness. So death must have a beauty in itself like all…

  • Day Two Hundred Ninety Three, November 11, 2011

    Don’t you love the rolling of seasons and how elegantly each season fades into the next? Our glorious fall is shedding the last stage of vibrant colors as if it knows we will be yearning for brightness in the coming grey and white days of winter, so it saturates us with hues so bright that…

  • Day Two Hundred Seventy Six, October 25, 2011

    We live in Shanghai, China with the other quarter of the Earth’s population who until a couple of months ago, did NOT recycle. All our trash at home goes in the same container and you could almost hear it screaming to be separated. Finally, a new and first recycling initiative is being introduced in homes…

  • Day Two Hundred Fourty Six, September 25, 2011

    At the end of summer so many little funerals are held in the great church that is nature. Flowers die, leaves  wear their ceremonial dress of color as they sway gently to face their  inevitable end, grains are harvested and their stems left to dry and return to the earth. So yes, “everything returns to…

  • Day Nintey One, April 23, 2011

    It was a sunny, warm and shiny day today. Lea put on her fresh colorful Spring clothes and within seconds from the start of the egg hunt, she was covered with leaves, blossoms, soil and grass stains! She was diving, crawling, climbing, shaking trees and running wild till she and her friends collected a huge…