Tag: expatriate

  • The Expatriated State of No Home~

    I grew up in Lebanon, moved to New York City at the age of 20, have lived since in Boston, Miami, Germany, shanghai and now moving to Germany again. Like most expatriates I find myself at a loss of knowing where 'home' really is or if it exists at all…the age of 20, have lived…

  • To Long For Belonging

    Land has this mysterious way of pulling at your soul, of beckoning you home, and for our young daughter, this land is Germany. The longer we expatriate in China, the mightier that tug. She dreams of the family, the colors, the fresh air, the sounds and smells of a land she feels a strong belonging to despite…

  • Day Thirty Six, February 27, 2011

    Today I was having lunch in a Shanghai neighborhood where many expatriates reside. I was stunned to see at what a young age children are starting to smoke cigarettes these days, or was it always like this? These skaters looked so young, and so “cool” with the whole attitude of “look at me I am…