Tag: ethnic

  • Day 4~ October 4th~ Yunnan

    In Yunnan province in China, there are at least 26 ethnic minorities living in small villages up and down the lush green mountains. We drove through these villages and met some of these amazing people who were said to have come from the mountains of Tibet before settling in Yunnan. The Hani believe that all…

  • Day 2~ October 2nd~ Yunnan

    Please meet one of the Hani minority children from the rice terraces of beautiful Yunnan. This child lives in a charming little house called “mushroom house” because his people were inspired by mushrooms to design these homes after many years of living in caves. In his home he has pigs, a water buffalo, chicken, ducks,…

  • Day 1~ October 1st~ Yunnan

    Yunnan, a place the clouds and the mists favor, a place that moderate weather loves to stay around in, a place that has more than 25 colorful minority groups calling it home, a place of breathtaking beauty, this will be the subject of the next 31 days of photos. The origin of the name Yunnan…

  • Day 2~ June 2nd~ Xinjiang

    The Idkah or in local Uyghur language Heit Kah mosque is the largest in China. Locals in Kashgar gather daily for prayer on the grounds of the old mosque and for celebrations in its large courtyard. The mosque was first built in 1442 as a small structure and was later expanded in different stages. There…

  • Day 1~ June 1st~ Xinjiang

    Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, spanning more than 1.6 million square kilometeres in the north western part of China, borders Tibet, Russia, Mongolia, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Kasakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. It is home to different ethnic groups  like Uyghur, Kazakh, Hui, Kyrgyz, Mongol, Tajik and the Han Chinese. Only about 4,3% of Xinjian is suitable for…