Daily Coffee Talk~ 83/365

On the third day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, my mind goes back to my experiences with refugees and the misfortunes of war.

I am finding myself unable to disconnect from the shock of seeing this happen in front of our eyes again, the war, the pain, the destruction, the displaced people and most importantly, children having their childhood stolen from them.

The pictures shown here are from the Syrian refugees that I photographed back in 2013, and back then, I saw a side of humanity that I was hoping I would never have to meet again.

Here we are in 2022, innocent people and their children subjected to tragedy because of ego, the strive for power and an unfathomable greed that lives in people like Putin.

The world does not need more refugees, we do not need more pain and confusion, humans have the right to lead a happy, productive, and full life with the chance to be who they are meant to be.

Who gives others the right to take that away? What kind of essence fuels wars? Will history keep repeating itself to the detriment of the human race and this planet?


5 responses to “Daily Coffee Talk~ 83/365”

  1. Not right, is it? Always the children are the ones to pay the price…
    And they will again. Sigh.
    Those blonde children made me think of Joseh Kessel’s “Fortune carrée”. Are they what were called “Circasssiens” or Tcherkess”?
    I find it hard these days to be optimistic. Violence seems to be stopped only by another violence…
    Did I mention Camus’ Lettre à un ami Allemand? Where he speaks of the Spirit and the Sword.
    (Camus is still very clear…)

    1. I will check out Camus. Thank you for the reference and your clear thoughts.

      1. He is “coming” back very strongly in his clarity…

  2. I asked a question on social media: how many politicians die in war? What is happening, is awful. Politicians will pontificate about ‘democracy’ and the ‘liberal order’, whatever they are. They will pontificate about how Ukraine is not a nation.

    But it is citizens who get screwed. It’s your life and mine that is upended. This is the tragedy

    1. yes, so true sadly

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