Tag: red

  • Day 16~ December 16th~ Guilin

    We count our time with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years, with repetitive numbers. Repetition seems to make us feel settled, to let us know where we stand and where we are going. We put numbers on everything in an attempt to clothe the unknown with tangible references. We capture time with numbers,…

  • Day 19~ May 19th~ Cambodia

    Her little home is built on stilts, her bed is a mattress on the floor, her feet are bare, her dreams are of faraway places,  her toy is a red balloon, she holds on to it for dear life… Girl in Sihanoukville~ Cambodia  

  • Day 10~ April 10th~ Congo

    It was a Sunday morning in Goma and we had spent the early morning in the medical center meeting and photographing refugee children. The children and their parents had nothing but rags on, some had bandages, very tired faces and exhausted smiles. And then driving back on the black volcanic streets of the city I…

  • Day Three Hundred Fifty Seven, January 14, 2012

    Life is a series of tiny moments stringed together with emotion. Throughout this string are some impressions that just stand out and demand to be remembered. A writer might write about them, an artist might immortalize them with their brush, and us photographers, we pray that our camera is there within arms reach to capture…

  • Day Two Hundred Seventy Five, October 24, 2011

    Since very early childhood we find ourselves drawn to certain colors. We choose our clothes in those colors, we declare that color to be our favorite, we like to draw and write in shades of it and we realize from early on that color has a great influence in our lives. I remember growing up…

  • Day Two Hundred Sixty Seven, October 16, 2011

    Clowns have been known to be around since the times of ancient Egypt, when the role of clown and priest were held by the same person. This points to a much more significant importance for the role of the clown which goes far beyond animal balloons and silly tricks. Through the deformation of certain features…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Six, October 5, 2011

    City life is fast, unrelenting, and always moving. At all time, you are pushed and shoved into different directions with the moving crowd, unless you are able to move against the rushing current. How do you do something that counts in a sea of humanity? How do you swim against the stream? How do you…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty, September 29, 2011

    The world seems to be waking up to a new dawn, a new reality, a new arrangement. One quarter of the world population lives in China and speaks Chinese. As the red dragon awakens, it spreads its wings wider and wider to cast its reddish shadow on parts of our world. Whether this is good…

  • Day Two Hundred Thirty One, September 10, 2011

    One of the most charming things about Geneva and the neighboring villages in Switzerland is the little fountain in every village square. Beautiful stone pools with a tap of running water and a background of glorious looking flowers in shades of red and pink. They just make you stop, look, sigh and wonder at the…

  • Day One Hundred Sixty, July 1, 2011

    Chinese people often refer to their ethnic identity as “descendants of the dragon”. The dragon is believed to be fierce, strong, dignified, wise and auspicious. Hence the celebratory dance, historically performed by acrobats, up to 50 dancers per dragon, who hold it up with poles and  move it mimicking the movement of the dragon’s river…