Tag: teenager

  • Day 28~ May 28th~ Cambodia

    Chou Maily, 14 years old when I met him at CCPP, painted with so much love and so much dedication, that those qualities radiated out of his handsome face. I was invited to his family home for an interview during my stay and there I was awed to see evidence of his passion adorning the…

  • Day 13~ April 13th~ Congo

    “We want peace in the world”… Is that too much to ask? Every child I spoke to in Congo told me the same thing, responded the same way when I asked them what their message to the world was, what was it they wished for the most… ” I want to live a peaceful life”…

  • Day Two Hundred Thirty Two, September 11, 2011

    re·bel·lionNoun/riˈbelyən/ 1. An act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler. 2. The action or process of resisting authority, control, or convention: “an act of teenage rebellion“. A fascinating phenomenon, most certainly on the rise in our world today, rebellion is a symptom of the young rejecting the control of the…

  • Day One Hundred Forty Four, June 15, 2011

      It is quite amazing being around teenagers and observing how they live their lives. It is as if they live in a world that is inside a bubble, a bubble that is quite misty and full of phantasy. In that bubble they seem to only see what is very close to them, what is…