Tag: rhythm

  • Day Two Hundred Sixty One, October 10, 2011

    Have you noticed how married couples begin to look alike after some years, and how people end up resembling their pets? Spend a long time with someone and you start to borrow their laugh, facial ticks, gestures, walks, and accents; you become so close, like family. Hence the saying, “be careful with whom you mix”,…

  • Day One Hundred Ninety Eight, August 8, 2011

    Being near the ocean can often cause a process of self reflection. It can slow one down into a state of calm allowing thoughts to float to the surface that were otherwise buried deep within. And good decision can be born of inspiration, an inspiration born out of rhythm, of repeating steps on the sand…

  • Day One Hundred Twenty Four, May 26, 2011

    Nature is to most of us a place of peace and harmony. It is so because its laws are constant, reliable, reassuring. The sun rises every day, the moon keeps its regular cycle of waxing and waning, the seasons keep their repetitive cycle, the flowers keep blooming in the Spring and the bees keep coming…

  • Day Forty Two, March 5, 2011

      “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” —Mark Twain Today was a day of looking at balances, re-arranging thoughts, deep contemplations, and searching for rhythms. There is a rhythm in the rain that can lull you to sleep if it falls gently, there is also rhythm in the…