Tag: purple

  • Day Four~ February 4th~ Lebanon

    Possibly the oldest and first metropolis of the Phoenicians, the ‘traders in purple’, the inventors of the first known alphabet from which all other alphabets were derived, inventors of the precious purple dye from the murex shell used for royal clothing, the founders of the kingship of city states called Canaan, Sidon is known to…

  • Day Two Hundred Seventy Five, October 24, 2011

    Since very early childhood we find ourselves drawn to certain colors. We choose our clothes in those colors, we declare that color to be our favorite, we like to draw and write in shades of it and we realize from early on that color has a great influence in our lives. I remember growing up…

  • Day One Hundred Eighty Nine, July 30, 2011

    This is a bay of memories for me. I have spent every long summer there since my early childhood and have gone back to it every summer almost without fail (war events permitting). It is the place I caught my first starfish, the beach where we dove from ships into the water, the waters we…

  • Day One Hundred Sixty Four, July 5, 2011

    “when it is dark enough, you can see the stars” ~ Persian proverb So simple, so true. Light a candle in the sunlight and you see nothing, light it on a dark night and it can illuminate you way. On a very grey, hot, humid day in Shanghai, I was walking the streets as usual…

  • Day Seventy Six, April 8, 2011

    This morning Spring was filling the air, the weather felt finally mild enough to leave heavy jackets behind and the sun was shining. She decided to dress herself for school as she often now loves to do. And out she emerged looking like a jar of jelly beans 🙂 But I could not blame here,…