Tag: holiday

  • Day Three Hundred Thirty Two, December 20, 2011

    The longest of nights, the shortest of days, the herald of rebirth, the winter solstice is upon us. Our planet is reaching its maximum axial tilt to our star, the sun and after this day it begins to reverse its course towards longer days and shorter nights. This time of year is so auspicious when we…

  • Day Three Hundred Twenty Nine, December 17, 2011

    Today, was a day of preparation to head west for a few weeks. No matter how long an expatriate lives in and makes China their home, the sense of belonging somewhere else is always prominent. Tomorrow my little family crosses a large part of the planet’s surface to get a dose of Western tradition for…

  • Day Three Hundred Eighteen, December 6, 2011

    Today was the day Nikolaus comes to see German children and they get ready for him by cleaning their boots (Nikolaus Stiefel) and setting them out at night to wake up to sweets and presents if they were good the past year or a tree branch in the boot if they were not. Lea lives…

  • Day Three Hundred Seven, November 25, 2011

    Another orbit around the sun is about to be completed yet again and I have the sense it is moving too fast. I don’t know if you measure the year like Lea and I do with events, important happenings, like birthdays, first day of summer, school beginning and ending, Christmas… But having these markers along…

  • Day Two Hundred Sixty Four, October 13, 2011

    Over two thousand years ago, the Druids believed that the souls of the dead roamed the streets at night and they also believed that these souls needed to be honored. As for the souls that were unfriendly and a bit scary, well for those they left offerings to ensure they were pleased and no harm…

  • Day One Hundred Ninety Eight, August 8, 2011

    Being near the ocean can often cause a process of self reflection. It can slow one down into a state of calm allowing thoughts to float to the surface that were otherwise buried deep within. And good decision can be born of inspiration, an inspiration born out of rhythm, of repeating steps on the sand…