Tag: childhood

  • Day Three Hundred Nineteen, December 7, 2011

    Does it happen to you sometimes that you may see a color, smell a certain smell, or hear a specific tune and they act as a trigger for memories that were long dormant in you? Funny how our life experiences are never really gone, but are somehow stacked neatly in the archives of our mind…

  • Day Two Hundred Fourty Five, September 24, 2011

    To wake up excited about a new day, to find something wonderful about any type of weather, to look at mud as a potential mud pie, to view a puddle as a chance at some great splash excitement, to laugh at funny things without any inhibition including a funny face or a very fat bum,…

  • Day One Hundred Ninety Seven, August 7, 2011

    Every once in a while you meet a child who is so attracted and attractive to the little people of the planet that they are seen constantly surrounded by little critters. Lexi is such a child. He loves to observe and be around anything that crawls, flies, swims, slithers… anything that is moving really. He…

  • Day One Hundred Eighty Four, July 25, 2011

    Childhood, the times of dreams, of eyes wide open, of minds thirsty for new knowledge, of pure innocence, of great trust, of extreme sweetness… This is the time of wind in your hair blowing all your worries away!

  • Day One Hundred Eighty Three, July 24, 2011

    One of the first shocks you get when you go back to the place of your childhood has to do with change. Everything has changed, your parents are older, your friends are different, your home is strangely nostalgic, your most precious childhood memories are diluted into the wind like dandelions. And so much emotion is…

  • Day One Hundred Seventy, July 11, 2011

    Do you still remember the little spots you played in as a child? A garden, a little forest, a neighborhood alley perhaps? I still do, I remember the trees we climbed, the little houses we built, the small fires we made, the pretend coffees we cooked, and it all felt so huge, like our own…

  • Day One Hundred Forty Eight, June 19, 2011

    To know no worry, to carry no grudge, to feel no hate, to plan no revenge, to awaken with inspiration, to live with joy, to sleep with contentment of a day lived to the full, to be weightless, a child. photo: Lea dancing by the window on yet another rainy day in Shanghai