Tag: box

  • The box mentality~

    For the largest part of our recent history, we humans find ourselves living in a box of our own making. We have lived in caves, tents, huts, houses, and the majority of the human race lives currently in complex buildings inside large cities that resemble beehives and are just as noisy. Then one day, we,…

  • Day 17~ July 17th~ Vietnam

    No matter how small the Asian home happens to be, the television takes a prime position serving as a means of escape for the family member who happens to be at home. A bridging to the rest of the world and a means of escaping into a virtual place of wonder? Apologies for the great…

  • Day Two Hundred Sixty Eight, October 17, 2011

    In almost every culture in the history of the human race, you find appearances of links to the esoteric worlds. From the Tarot of Ancient Egypt, to high priests, fortune tellers, oracles, the research of astrology, numerology and the list goes on and on down to religious beliefs and different faiths around the globe. At…