Tag: baby

  • Day One Hundred Ninety Seven, August 7, 2011

    Every once in a while you meet a child who is so attracted and attractive to the little people of the planet that they are seen constantly surrounded by little critters. Lexi is such a child. He loves to observe and be around anything that crawls, flies, swims, slithers… anything that is moving really. He…

  • Day One Hundred Ninety Three, August 3, 2011

    Small things draw out our softer side. We see babies and we change our behavior immediately, we smile, we speak softly, we ‘ooo’ and we ‘aaaa’ at them. Babies and little creatures are simply so cute and we are programmed to want to care for them and protect them, most of us at least. And…

  • Day One Hundred forty Two, June 13, 2011

    Today I had a photo shoot with an adorable 3 week old baby girl, little Juliette! She has tiny little feet and the cutest little hands, and a face with a million changing expressions. Babies have the power to draw a smile from almost everyone who sees them. They are miracles, each single one of…

  • Day Seventy Eight, April 10, 2011

    I love photographing children. When I look at a child I see the child, just them, whatever they are going through at that exact second, their whole universe is with them in that moment. Their eyes are like portals to a world so far away. Children are so close to what we were meant to…