Tag: play

  • Day Three Hundred Forty Four, January 1, 2012

    It is believed that in ancient Egypt a scribe was assigned to each small child to record their every word till age 12. Childhood was considered the most important stage of formation of a human and a time worth taking note of when the little person was still connected to the world they came from…

  • Day Two Hundred Eighty Two, October 31, 2011

    Do you remember being seven years old? Remember when your imagination was endless and when your hopes and dreams were still undefeated by cynicism? Do you recall being so free and believing that life is a canvas where you can draw yourself to be absolutely anything you want to be?

  • Day Two Hundred Six, August 16, 2011

    It was somewhere in Germany and it was sunset. He was looking for wild berries with the other children, when suddenly something in the air above him caught his eye. It was the golden hour and the little magical thing was glowing like gold. He ran after it and I followed the two of them,…

  • Day One Hundred Seventy Nine, July 20, 2011

    The fields are so much richer in impressions than television, the forests are so much prettier than video games, the bugs are so much more interesting than electronic toys, the smells of nature are so much more intense and more pleasant than plastic smells of toys made in factories, the air is so much more…

  • Day One Hundred Thirty Three, June 4, 2011

    Even the towers of the mightiest of kings can one day tumble and fall. It all has to do with what the tower was built on, what values, what principles, what the columns of its support are made of. It is a very simple law if you think about it, the stronger the foundation, the…

  • Day Eighty Two, April 14, 2011

    Do you believe in fairies? Do you leave them cookies and milk? Do you build gardens, rings and circles for them? Do you swear that you saw them? Do you blame your naughty deeds on them? Does innocence live in your heart? Does wonder? Does magic? Little girls have all that magic!

  • Day Fifty, March 13, 2011

    A magical circle of girls To watch a group of little girls play in harmony is to witness magic in the making! I was transfixed watching Lea and her friends play this afternoon from the window of our 16th floor apartment in Shanghai. Little pink shapes running, hair flying, smiles shining, conspiracies being planned, whispers…

  • Day Twenty Seven, February 18, 2011

    Today I was very overwhelmed with the state of the world, wars, revolutions, poverty, instability, pollution, global warming, solar flares, and a general sense of unsettlement. Then in the afternoon we had Lea’s twin friends over for a play date then sleep over and I watched them play, laugh, sing, dance and be in the…

  • Day Fourteen, February 5, 2011

    Today we went back to that same stretch of beach at sunset, the most magical time of day besides dawn. I watched these two local boys playing with a ball and a t-shirt for the longest time, making up games and running around the blue waters without a care in the world. I so wish…