Tag: innocence

  • Day Two Hundred Eighty Nine, November 7, 2011

    I remember riding the subway years ago in New York City on the way to work and back and doing what people end up doing on the train, watching other people. And I remember always how fascinating it was to watch people sleeping, because even the most seemingly rough person can look so peaceful and…

  • Day Two Hundred Fourty Five, September 24, 2011

    To wake up excited about a new day, to find something wonderful about any type of weather, to look at mud as a potential mud pie, to view a puddle as a chance at some great splash excitement, to laugh at funny things without any inhibition including a funny face or a very fat bum,…

  • Day Eighty Two, April 14, 2011

    Do you believe in fairies? Do you leave them cookies and milk? Do you build gardens, rings and circles for them? Do you swear that you saw them? Do you blame your naughty deeds on them? Does innocence live in your heart? Does wonder? Does magic? Little girls have all that magic!