Tag: hong kong

  • Discovering the ladder of understanding~

    This morning I was driving my daughter to her weekend Chinese class and we had a very interesting conversation. She was complaining about her inability to always find interest in continuing to learn Chinese whilst living in Germany and this took us to musings about the human brain and how we, humans have so much…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Seven, October 6, 2011

    We find ourselves in a world that has more and more toxic bodies of water every year. You see a river or a sea on a hot, humid day and your first instinct is to jump in and get refreshed, but doing so in most cities might just cost you your health, life or skin!…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Six, October 5, 2011

    City life is fast, unrelenting, and always moving. At all time, you are pushed and shoved into different directions with the moving crowd, unless you are able to move against the rushing current. How do you do something that counts in a sea of humanity? How do you swim against the stream? How do you…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Five, October 4, 2011

    Busy by day, throbbing by night, loud, charming, strange, inviting, intriguing, eccentric, exotic, luxurious, poor, narrow, hilly, frustrating, enjoyable, intoxicating, mysterious, old, new, broken down, ultra modern, falling apart, stairs, escalators, under construction, Cantonese, Mandarin, British… Hong Kong photo taken: Wellington street, Hong Kong island by night

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Four, October 3, 2011

    The state of most young people after the end of school today is overshadowed by confusion. Too many influences all pulling in different directions, too many decisions to make, too many specialties to choose from, to many religious beliefs to adhere to or not adhere to, too many schools of fashion to adopt, too many…

  • Day Two Hundred Fifty Three, October 2, 2011

    I wonder what life is like for a man working in the sea, to have the earth shifting beneath you constantly, to have long hours of alone time between sky and water, to rarely experience stable ground, to be exposed to the elements day in and day out, to become intimately familiar with the movement…