Tag: drop

  • Day Three Hundred, November 19, 2011

    Fall, autumn, the time of separation, of big changes, of getting ready to go huddle indoors, and the time of little deaths. We get inspired and uplifted looking at the leaves changing color in the fall because it is just too overwhelmingly beautiful to witness. So death must have a beauty in itself like all…

  • Day One Hundred Thirty Six, June 7, 2011

      Rain, we all have feelings and emotions about it. Some think it’s romantic, some get annoyed by it, some complain about it, it drastically changes the mood of some, some love to run in it, some love to sing in the rain, some pretend to love it just because they want to be special…

  • One Hundred Twenty Nine, May 31, 2011

      I spent a part of today finishing the set up of my photo studio at home and most of that time was in training for water shots. I often found it very difficult to see the purpose for doing water shots, but today, I could see that they are an amazing training in timing,…

  • Spring will still come anyway…

    The world is changing! We would have to be blind not to see that the powerful current of evolution is driving through our planet in full force. Something if forcing us to move on, to evolve, to find new ways of going on. It is not subtle, this message, it comes with life changing potency.…

  • Day Fifty Eight, March 21, 2011

    It is rare and precious when we are able to pause all the noise, to push back all the pressures, to move away all the smoke screens and be able for just a brief moment to receive clarity. It is like being frozen in time, everything slowed down and something clicks, clear understanding. Moments like…