Tag: cup

  • Day 1~ April 1st~ Congo

    At  times when I hear myself grumble about my coffee not being the right taste or temperature, my mind goes back to this smiling girl and to her story… After months of living in terror, running from prosecution by militias, escaping bullets, rape, sickness and capture, this Rwandan child arrived in a UNICEF supported medical clinic in…

  • Day Ninety Two, April 24, 2011

    Balance: how important it is in our lives. It is such a delicate dance, trying to find the middle place where life is harmonious. It is so difficult to live a balanced life with the pulls, tugs and demands of our daily goings on. And still it is so important to find it, to stand…

  • spring comes softly

    spring comes softly, originally uploaded by mimo khair. a blossom here, a gentle breeze there, a smiling face, a lightweight jacket, an ice cream cone, a child’s carefree laugh on a swing…yes, it sure come softly

  • Day Forty Four, March 7, 2011

    I love mornings! In the morning is when I feel inspired the most. It is at that time that ideas rush and flow in my mind. It is the time of day I treasure the most. I always wake up before anyone else in my home and I tiptoe to brew my first delicious cup…