Tag: cat

  • sliding by~ Shanghai

    Sometimes the world has this strange way of sliding by as thought we are sailing smoothly on a still lake. It allows us to watch time pass in slow motion and a great stillness embraces us. Those are the photographic moments I treasure and wish for every day in the big fast city.

  • Day One Hundred Seventy Five, July 16, 2011

    It was a Saturday afternoon, the city is Shanghai, the alley is very crowded, the heat was extremely suffocating, the people were irritated, pushing, shoving, impatient… And then from the corner of my eye, I sensed a calm, a special moment, in the middle of all the noise, a bubble of containment, a special love…

  • Day Forty One, March 4, 2011

    I walked and walked and walked today. I love walking the streets of Shanghai on sunny winter days taking in the alleys, the laundry hanging in the street, the meat drying in the winter sun next to people’s undergarments, the locals sunning on the curb on their lounge chairs, the board games, the millions of…