Mimo Khair Creative

Day Forty Five, March 8, 2011

And Shanghai keeps on growing

Shanghai, to literally mean the “upper sea”, perhaps due to its closeness to the ocean, is a city destined for growth and prosperity. As the most populated (about 20 million people) city in mainland China, it has become the economical and financial center of all China. Living in Shanghai meant being constantly aware of change. It develops at a very fast rate and does not give any sign of slowing down. During my walk today I saw through this door of a new construction site in Pudong the two landmark towers of Shanghai and realized that when we moved to Shanghai the taller building (SWFC), also called the bottle opener was a construction site…I wonder what Shanghai will look like a few years from now!

They say if something is not growing then it can only be dying. Shanghai is definitely growing…

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