an experiment in animation

Sometimes when all seems to be overwhelming, the speed of life, the long ‘to do’ lists, the strong feeling of not being able to catch up or not having enough time to do what we want to do, it is good to take a moment. By taking a moment, I mean really take it, stop!

I tried that this morning, where I just stopped and made a deal with my brain that we will get to think in a few minutes, but for now let’s just stop.

An amazing thing happened… I could feel so much more, hear more, see more, and a sense of gratitude overcame me. We already have too much by the simple fact of being able to realise it. Most of the time, we are our own slave drivers and if we could just let go for a moment and be kind to ourselves, we finally see that no matter how we paint the picture to ourselves about our lives, we do stand in our own patch of diamonds.

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