Day 7~ July 7th~ Veitnam

and then we age

Aging is the celebration of us escaping death. Why does it scare us so much? Is the fact that we are nearing death?

photo: old woman in Hanoi


15 responses to “Day 7~ July 7th~ Veitnam”

  1. That’s an extremely striking portrait, Mimo, and just right in mono! Adrian

  2. Compelling thought and wonderful image. WOW!

  3. wow what an incredible photograph

  4. A life written in a face – incredible!

  5. Madame a Classic leather faced portrait!!! Cheers Nonoy Manga

  6. As somone who has worked with older people in one guise or another for most years in the last 20…. and as I am getting nearer to old age myself at 58 !! It is not just about approaching death but also about the infirmity that can accompany it.. both physical and mental.

    1. Oh and I forgot to say what a great portrait this is…

  7. I love it. An absolutely brilliant shot!

  8. Reblogged this on Miss Ayo Délé.

  9. My, what a picture, her life written all over her face.

  10. Un portrait formidable !

  11. Deeply real, moving. Thanks.

  12. Beautiful capture ! 😀 It could be the approach of death what truly scares us, or the thought of oldness.

  13. Wouldn’t want to last that long 🙂 Lovely shot.

  14. Impressive image, Mimo! Unfortunately age we become wiser, — and then die. That’s the law of nature …
    All the best for you Mimo my dear! 🙂

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