Day One Hundred Thrity Nine, June 10, 2011

searcher in the rain

It has been raining steadily for a few days in Shanghai. It is the kind of rain that is born of harmoniously grey overcast skies and the rain that calls on the essence of patience in us. Patience because the rain shows no signs of stopping soon, it just falls steadily sometimes just a drizzle, and other times a heavy downpour, but it keeps falling. We have not seen a blue sky in days and this has forced me to go internally with my contemplations because that is what rain does. It made me dwell on the search journey we each find ourselves in. Everyone is searching for something, everyone is on a quest, on a journey. Very few know exactly what they are searching for, but for the most, it is a sense of drifting in search for a purpose. How often do you ask yourself why you were born here on Earth, and how often do you have a satisfying answer…

Just a mystery ponder


One response to “Day One Hundred Thrity Nine, June 10, 2011”

  1. great colours and mood you’ve created.

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